I’ve been putting this off. Everyday I wake up and think “maybe today will be the day I finally get started with my blog and feel some sort of inspiration”. But each day it’s the same story: I go through my day, filling it with busyness and not writing. If there was an award for procrastination and avoiding important things, I would likely win.
Believe me, I know that I am doing important things. Caring for a very mobile and curious 9 month old each day is no easy task (for instance, as I’ve written this far, I have had to stop her from crawling into a space not meant for her, cleaned up a spilled basket of kitchen utensils, and stopped her from trying to stalk the cat).
But somewhere along the journey of our busy days I have become complacent. Perhaps even lazy. I have been spending my time so afraid of making a wrong move.
I have been convinced that I need a specific “message”, or one topic to focus on. But in my search for that message I have become paralyzed. Rather than finding my message, I have become stuck in my head and overcome with uncertainty. Get Started
Why am I telling you this? Because I think this is powerful and I want you to hear why.
Getting Started
What if, instead of getting stuck in our search for a “message” or specific purpose, we just started? What if we started where we are, regardless of where we think we should be or what we should know.
I believe that there is power in starting where we are at, and showing up as we are. Maybe we don’t have to have everything figured out before we start.
Can we commit to this together? Can we show up where we are, regardless of where we are at or what we think we need to be? Let’s stop allowing our excuses and fear keep us paralyzed. The world needs to hear what you have to say, right where you’re at.
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